Saturday, December 29, 2012

"The Elephant Diet" Day # 22

Last night Tom and I watched a show on Netflix we have recently discovered and enjoy. It's about a family who moves to Africa to care for wild animals. The episode we watched last night had elephants in it. I had to smile to myself.

They were HUGE!

This project is feeling HUGE. After all, how hard can it be to write lyrics? Sometimes not hard at all. Other times......very tough!

But I did it.

Today, after cleaning, taking a friend out to breakfast for her birthday (in a snow storm) and helping her figure out the right key for a song she is going to record soon, I came up with more words to the song I've been wrestling with all week. It's getting past that block point that seems to be the trick.

Finding the balance between breaking the block and not forcing lyrics is a tough act sometimes.

At least I am now on my way to tuning into what I really want to say in this song.

I close with a contentedness in my soul and leave you with the scene I have enjoyed this afternoon as I wrote more lyrics.

Friday, December 28, 2012

"The Elephant Diet" Day # 21

Today I prayed over the project on my way to and from working at the church. It's all I could get done toward the project. My computer has been giving me messages that the hard drive is full. That means my spare time was spent deleting files tonight so I can use it again.

My prayers go something like this:

"Father, I commit this whole cd project to you. I ask you to give me divine contacts and appointments. Put me in the right places at the right times.

I ask you to lead me to the right producer, arranger, players, etc. I ask that you would supply the funding I'll need to accomplish something like this.

If there is a Christmas show in my future, would you arrange the venue and the team of people to help me accomplish the vision in my heart.

Give me words for the song that I am currently trying to rewrite. I can't seem to get past the first line. I need your help and inspiration.

Guide my steps. I can't do this alone."


Thursday, December 27, 2012

"The Elephant Diet" Day # 20

I can't believe it's day # 20 already.

Today I spent the whole day in the studio. I've been hired to write a birthday song for someone so today was the day to write it, record it and send it off to see if it meets the wishes of the family. If they approve, it will take a big load off of my mind and I can really begin to focus more on the Christmas tunes.

Though that took most of my day, I did get to work on my Christmas song a little bit and I also made a video for my fans to tell them about the Christmas project so they can connect on this daily blog if they want to.

Making some headway!

The pic is the view I have as I work in my studio. Nice snow day!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

"The Elephant Diet" Day # 19

The only thing accomplished today was to sit and write out a new line I've been pondering for one of my Christmas songs that needs to be re-written. That's a start, but not as much as I'd like.

I worked at the church today and came home through snow and ice, taking twice the normal traveling time.

I've been so busy the last few days that I don't have much left to be creative tonight.

One line will have to do.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

"The Elephant Diet" Day # 18

Merry Christmas everyone!

Pictures are worth a thousand words....this was my day....spent with my sister, mother, husband and Niko the dog.

"The Elephant Diet" Day # 17

Christmas Eve. (Though I won't get to post it until Christmas Day due to no Internet connection.)

Very long day...full of food prep and church service prep.

The only bite I took today from the elephant was to work on rewriting one of my christmas tunes while I drove from home to the church. It's about a 20 minute drive which gave me a little bit of think time and oddly enough, some new words came to me as I drove.

I'm anxious to work on them, but it's late and tomorrow is another big day.

On a different note, I saw the most precious thing today. I stopped to pick up a last minute item and was shocked at the amount of traffic and shoppers still out and about. I sat in a long line of cars waiting for the light to turn green.

Finally, it turned green and just as we began to move, the car in front of me stopped and stuck his hand out the passenger window and gave a homeless man standing along the road what must have been money. I was so touched by his thoughtfulness and I paused, gasped and then felt some tears flow freely down my face. I could have sighed and been frustrated at this hold up, but instead, I was somehow moved by it. The gratefulness of the recipient was obvious.

How nice to witness that act of kindness on such a busy day.

Merry Christmas Eve.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

"The Elephant Diet" Day # 16

Today I sang a solo backed by a 40 voice choir at church. It's not one of my own songs, though I wish I could claim it. It was simple, but so powerful. The kind I want to write.

Tears, hugs, expressions of appreciation.....part of my reward for learning and delivering the song in the best way I knew how.

Songs are simply letters strung together to create words. Words strung together to create phrases.

Melodies are made up of one note after another carrying us away to other places only our souls can reach. To put all of these elements into 3 minutes or more and then make others cry, laugh or shiver, is the ideal I strive for.

Some things on my to do list are very easy:
Send an email? Done.
Make a phone call? Done.
Write a song (or rewrite a song) that can touch a soul in deep places or help change a culture?Hours, days, even years.

I have a Christmas song I'm working on that someone thinks is a hit....with some re-writing. That's someone's opinion. But I too sense there is some gold there, I just have to keep mining to find it. Not sabbath.

....but it is on my to do list.

For now....I need to finish making our fried chicken supper. It's smelling really good.

I close with a photo of a bird nest I found on my walk today. I added some acorns to remind me that seeds do grow and become mighty places for birds to build such intricate nests. Like a songwriter.......