I was privileged to lead about 500 women in worship through music this past weekend. It's something that I frequently do and I find it a very enjoyable privilege.
I prefer to maintain some sort of professionalism when I lead and though I can be quite emotional off the stage, I find it hard to sing well and cry at the same time, so I prefer to maintain some sort of composure. But this past weekend was so full of little kisses from heaven upon my own heart, that I couldn't hold back the tears very well.
In discussing this with some friends, I discovered that they much prefer to see a worship leader who isn't afraid to cry and let their true emotions show.
I held it together until the other singer, Bonnie Keen, sang a most beautiful arrangement of the "untitled hymn". The last time I sang that song was at the funeral of a 13 year old son of a deacon family at my previous church.
I've never handled death very well, not sure if it's due to so much death in my own family or what, but whatever the case, I couldn't get through that song at his funeral and I wasn't getting through listening to it this past weekend either. I was doing ok until the last verse......'fly to Jesus'. My tears began to fly too.
It was my turn to lead an upbeat version of "I Am Free" right after Bonnie moved us with her song and all I could do was cry. Since I had just had a discussion about showing your emotions when you lead worship, I decided to do something different and let the tears flow freely. After I was able to pull myself together enough to speak, I just told the women that I was so moved by that song and could not hear that song without thinking of the family who lost their teenage son. His name was Nathan. The brother I lost in our farm pond was named Nathan also.

This hit home when a new found friend on facebook sent me the following message:
"thanks 4 ur friend acceptance 2 fb. i say again how awesome ur leadership was in our worship music this past weekend @ sandy cove. luv'd 2 ur open emotion, i think that shows a true heart & i forgot any tissues...so thankgoodness for sleeves!! lol."
I don't mind being transparent, but I always feel that hesitancy when it comes to being on the platform and being in front of people. Why do we need to be so prim and proper?
I welcome the thought of being a 'weepy' worship leader.
How do you feel when someone on the platform weeps? Would love to hear your comments.
I appreciate worship leaders who are genuine and "real". If that means weepy, then I think that is what God has in mind for that moment. It will touch people in the heart. Love your ministry, Frances.
ReplyDeleteI appreciated your show of emotion and you composure. I think you were very balanced in all of it...I too lead worship,( I actually sat behind you to enjoy watching you fingers move at sandy cove...I was blessed on a lot of levels ) I completely understand your comments here...I think there is a balance we need to find...I've seen too many hype up the tears for purely emotional responses from the congregation, and then on the flip side too many showing no passion for what they are singing...I was blessed and learned a lot at Sandy Cove watching both you and Bonnie Keen... Thank you.