Today Tom had hand surgery. It took longer than the doctor thought it would and was more difficult than he planned the doctor said. I just wanted to be present with him for the day and help him over this hurdle. Now both hands are bandaged up and he is resting under the influence of pain medicine.
Though I did work on music-related projects while I waited for him to wake up and feel well enough to go home, it wasn't Christmas stuff. I am speaking in New York in April and spent part of the time working on the content for those messages. I also read some of the textbook written by the live show producer that I plan to work with this year.
I was thankful that I could be with him all day. We are kindred hearts. We're certainly very different in our temperament, but our hearts long for and value the same kinds of things. I'm so grateful for his support on this musical journey. He is my sounding board, my cheerleader and my biker buddy I might add.
I have another cheerleader and friend with a kindred heart. Her name is Ellen. We know each other because of my church position and I am thrilled to have the chance to see her follow her passion. She is a beautiful dancer, singer and writer. It is because of her participation in the ballet production of The Nutcracker this past Christmas that I met the conductor who will most likely be conducting the orchestra for the show I have in my heart.
After reading my blog last week, she handed me a beautiful card that was created with thought and care to encourage me in my passion.
I'm so blessed to have people like Tom and Ellen in my life (and many others!).
Though I did work on music-related projects while I waited for him to wake up and feel well enough to go home, it wasn't Christmas stuff. I am speaking in New York in April and spent part of the time working on the content for those messages. I also read some of the textbook written by the live show producer that I plan to work with this year.
I was thankful that I could be with him all day. We are kindred hearts. We're certainly very different in our temperament, but our hearts long for and value the same kinds of things. I'm so grateful for his support on this musical journey. He is my sounding board, my cheerleader and my biker buddy I might add.
I have another cheerleader and friend with a kindred heart. Her name is Ellen. We know each other because of my church position and I am thrilled to have the chance to see her follow her passion. She is a beautiful dancer, singer and writer. It is because of her participation in the ballet production of The Nutcracker this past Christmas that I met the conductor who will most likely be conducting the orchestra for the show I have in my heart.
After reading my blog last week, she handed me a beautiful card that was created with thought and care to encourage me in my passion.
I'm so blessed to have people like Tom and Ellen in my life (and many others!).
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Ellen after her dance in The Nutcracker |
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A beautiful card from Ellen |
Thank you, Frances!! I am so blessed to have you in my life too. You are such an inspiring person, and I am grateful to have you as a friend!!!